African American Network

The African-American Network is advocating a network with activists and organizations that is working towards social and economic progress with the descendants of the Diaspora. Most importantly, the sharing of resources will be beneficial for all concerned parties.

The usage of African-American, one automatically assumes that it's referring to the United States actually it could be anywhere in the western hemisphere. Which means descendant from Brazil, Peru, Costa Rica, Canada, the Caribbean Islands, or anywhere in the Americas.

The word African specifically relates to the indigenous people of the African continent and their descents in the Diaspora ( Caribbean , Americas , Arabia , etc). The race-nationality model such as that currently employed by African-American, African-Brazilian and African-Caribbean communities more accurately describes the identity whilst fully articulating the history and geopolitical reality

The miscellaneous usage of the label 'Black' within this site reflects its contemporary use as a means to denote a specific
sociocultural and political context. It is recognized as a colloquial term that was fashioned as a reactionary concept to derogatory racial epithets in the 1960's. It is offensive when used as a racial classification code word to denote African people. Other such denigrating terminology when made in reference to African culture, heritage or identity are 'Tribe', 'Sub-Saharan Africa', or 'black Africa '.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

In NYC, Senegalese Immigrants and Their Western-Educated Kids Are in a Generational Tug-of-War

The aroma of grilled fish and sizzling peppers drifts through the air. Elegant women in elaborate headscarves meander between shops, taking advantage of Saturday’s slower pace. Between the sights, smells and cacophony of French and Wolof, it feels like Dakar. But this is Harlem’s Little Senegal, an enclave of émigrés in New York City. African supermarkets, call centres and beauty salons line the streets, evidence of the entrepreneurial chutzpah that transformed the once seedy neighbourhood.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Black women in Britain – from the Romans to the Windrush

he zoot suits. The neatly pressed skirt suits with matching pillbox hats and sensible court shoes. The gloves, the handkerchiefs, the reinforced cardboard suitcases (also known as “grips”) and the fixed, toothy smiles.

More often than not, when people talk of the arrival of black people on British shores, the narrative includes some or indeed all of the above. They almost always mention the following, too: Tilbury docks, Essex, 22 June 1948; the Empire Windrush; the West Indies and calypso music. Sometimes, the storyteller might mention the fact that the ship’s passenger list held the names of 490 men and only two women (there was a stowaway, whose fare was paid for by a ship-wide whipround).

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Racism Is So Insidious, Even Black People Underestimate It

There is a tendency to respond to racialized tragedies with a sudden effort at self-reflection – an attempt to quantify our collective attitudes on race for clues as to why, yet again, we must somehow make sense of the senseless killing of a black teenager. Of the numerous recent polls that measure American perceptions of race, nearly all arrive at the same conclusion: overwhelmingly, white Americans not only believe that race is far less a factor than reported in incidents of police violence against young African-American men but that, in essence, black people are pretty much making this whole racism thing up.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

In Rejecting Columbus, Cities Forge Path Toward System Alternative

As Minneapolis and Seattle mark their cities' first-ever Indigenous Peoples' Day, activists are calling for a nationwide revocation of Columbus Day in favor of a holiday that honors the more complicated past of this land's original inhabitants.

In an interview with Democracy Now!, Seattle city councilmember Kshama Sawant, one of the sponsors of that city's recently passed resolution, explained the importance of such efforts.

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